Saturday, December 18, 2010

i envy her wedding dress, i envy her wedding veil, i envy her wedding dais

MasyaAllah! i envy everything from her head to toe. oh! a very beautiful bride.


Credit to the talented photog. photos grabbed from here.

- Live. Love.Laugh xx

Friday, December 17, 2010

Countdown - Lapan puluh empat

Today mark 84 days left until the solemnization day. Bless!

Time flies when you're having fun! =D

Ohh hallooo bridezillas to be =)

Sorry for the lack of updates and neglecting this blog for almost 3 weeks now. Alot of things has been going on with the wedding preps etc, though it seems i've managed to settle only a few stuffs over the past 3 weeks T_T. I am not sure how u guys handle the stress level. Honestly, there are times when i just burst into tears without any reasons, any warnings, any purposes. is that even normal?? Mcm too many things is happening in your head and your brain can just handle 1/3 of it. the rest, mcm blowing a ballon to its limit, forcing the air into a tiny ballon and nda mau2 jua kan di tiup sampai telatup. =s

Lets ditch the -ve aura and get into business, yes? 

I had a little getaway before the xmas holidays. Yayyy! Plus, i managed to get some flowers for the tables arrangement and room deco. Not quite sure about the color combination though. But hantam sajalah, somehow the eyes agreed with the combination of baby pink, lavender and lilac white. Satu saja kurang, i didnt buy any green leaves and forgot the grabbed the ready made long beads for hantaran deco. Haiyo haiyo. we still got time, yes we do! say it with me people. 'we got time!!' thats the spirit. hehe.

Here;s the good part of the story. Alhamdulillah, my room is 'almost' ready. Got a call from the Mrs. Y that the floor just arrived y'day and they plan to install it tomorrow or latest by next Monday. Next, the wallpaper and curtains - the guys just came 2 days ago to measure the wall and windows. Once the floor +  curtains is completed, insyaAllah the family will have a small makan2 and doa kesyukuran. Mudahan semua urusan lepas ani berjalan dengan lancar. Aminnn.

Here's a sneak peek of my room (u can ignored that 2 meja, achair and handle penyiut dpn2 atu. huhu) Noticed we had tv and aircon already? We had a great deal on the TV and air-con last week. Never realized the fiance handal negotiate. We saved additional $300+ after the discount price!!! That is alot of money and ofcos saya sangat lah happy seperti seekor hippo =D. Biasa, i do the nego and ia tukang senyum saja. This time, its his turn, and i have to say, NOT BAD eh! 

Ps. remember  my red and blue dance pole in the previous entry?  berdinding udah supaya nampak sopan santun, hehe. To separate the bedroom and wardrobe area. love love love the outcome so far.

Plus we got good price on the down lights and chandelier too. I was smiling all the way back home. Cana tah jua, saya bisa pakai itu saving for my wallpaper. Alhamdulillah, itu namanya rezeki.

here's the pix of the chandelier, down lights nda payah lah ah. hehe

Til next time. Will update u guys on the wedding invitations =)

- Live. Love.Laugh xx

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Utk para bakal suami

1. Pasang niat dan berdoa untuk menjadi suami terbaik. Tanpa berniat dan berdoa anda tidak mungkin jadi suami yang cemerlang. Ramai suami terlupa.
2. Bersyukur kerana mempunyai pasangan hidup. Yakinlah bahawa isteri anda adalahpasangan terbaik yang Tuhan tentukan untuk anda. Ketentuan Tuhan adalah yang terbaik.
3. Suami mithali menjadi kebanggaan isteri. Pastikan anda membentuk sifat positif dan istimewa. Cuba tanya diri apakah sifat atau amalan yang boleh dibanggakan oleh isteri anda.
4. Setiap hari pulang dengan senyum dan bersemangat. Apabila suami tersenyum, isteri dan anak-anak akan bahagia dan rahmat Tuhan akan turun. Senyumlah apabila sampai ke rumah.
5. Pastikan anda ada masa untuk berbual dengan isteri setiap hari. Semua isteri bahagia apabila dapat berbual dengan suami. Berapa minit yang anda luangkan unutk berbual dengan isteri setiap hari ?
6. Telefon isteri ataupun hantar SMS sekadar untuk menyatakan yang anda sayang ataupun rindu pada isteri. Isteri anda akan berasa seronok dan bahagia apabila mendapat panggilan ataupun mesej tersebut.
7. Hiburkan hati isteri anda dengan bercerita, buat lawak atau gurauan yang mesra. Setiap gurauan mengubat hati isteri dan mengeratkan hubungan suami isteri.
8. Pastikan anda bergurau senda dengan isteri di dalam kenderaan semasa dalam perjalanan ke tempat kerja ataupun ke mana sahaja. Ramai suami membazir masa dengan membisu semasa di dalam kenderaan.
9. Amalkan makan bersama setiap hari. Berbual mesra dan nasihat menasihati semasa makan. Amalan ini akan menarik hidayat Tuhan dan mengeratkan hubungan. Elakan berbual perkara yang melalaikan semasa makan.
10. Ajak isteri mandi bersama sekali sekala. Bergurau senda semasa mandi bersama adalah sunah yang dapat mengeratkan hubungan suami isteri.
11. Bantu isteri melakukan kerja rumah. Ini adalah sunah yang dapat meringankan beban isteri, mengeratkan kasih sayang dan menbahagiakan pasangan anda.
12. Amalkan mesyuarat keluarga sekerap yang mungkin. Amalan bermesyuarat menarik hidayat Tuhan,mengeratkan hubungan dan menyelesaikan banyak masalah.
13. Pastikan penampilan anda anggun, kemas, bersih, wangi, sihat dan ceria. Ramai suami inginkan isteri yang mengancam, tetapi mengabaikan Penampilan diri sendiri. Mana adil ?
14. Didik isteri dengan memberi nasihat dan perigatan secara hikmah. Jadikan tindakan dan amalan anda sebagai contoh teladan yang cemerlang. Elakan cakap tak serupa bikin.
15. Berikan nafkah kepada isteri mengikut keperluan keluarga dan kemampuan suami. Ramai suami mengabaikan nafkah kerana isteri bekerja. Ramai suami yang kedekut dan berkira. Ini menyebabkan isteri derita dan rumah tangga terancam.
16. Jadikan penawar hati kepada isteri. Ambil berat keperluan dan kemahuan dan peka kepada emosi dan situasi isteri. Isteri yang bahagia membentuk keluarga sejahtera
17. Sentiasa taat kepada semua perintah Tuhan dan memastikan keluarga juga patuh kepada Tuhan.
18. Suami mithali sentiasa menyimpan rahsia isteri. Ramai suami secara sengaja ataupun tidak sengaja menceritakan keburukan isteri kepada orang lain. Ini wajib dihentikan.
19. Muliakan keluarga isteri seperti keluarga sendiri. Ada suami yang menbeza-bezakan antara keluarganya dan keluarga isteri. Ada suami yang memusuhi keluarga isteri. Anda bagaimana ?
20. Bentuk sifat cemburu yang positif. Cemburu tanda beriman, sayang dan endah. Suami yang tidak cemburu adalah dayus. Isteri amat suka apabila suaminya ada sifat cemburu. Dia rasa dihargai.
21. Jadilah suami yang pemaaf. Syurga isteri di bawah tapak kaki suami. Maafkanlah isteri setiap malam sebelum tidur supaya rumah tangga bahagia dan isteri mudah masuk syurga.
22. Tegur kesilapan isteri dengan hikmah dan kasih sayang. Isteri merajuk bukan sebab ditegur, tetapi cara ditegur yang kasar. Apabila suami kasar, isteri jadi takut, bingung, hiba dan memberontak.
23. Gunakan Nabi Muhammad sebagai model. Hidupkan amalan sunah dalam rumah tangga. Sebut nama rasul apabila mendidik dan menasihati keluarga bagi mendapat hikmah.
24. Mendahulukan keperluan isteri daripada orang lain. Ini adalah tertib memberi khidmat. Ramai suami yang melebihkan orang lain daripada isterinya. Elakan kesilapan ini.
25. Suruh isteri dirikan sembahyang dan ibadah lain. Apabila berjauhan, telefon ataupun SMS bagi mengingatkan sembahyang.
Wasiatkan isteri untuk sembahyang fardu dan sunat. Buat pesanan ini sehingga suami meninggal dunia.
26. Cintai isteri sepenuh hati. Cintai tanpa syarat, bertambah mengikut usia, penuh kemaafan, memberi tenaga,tidak pernah sensara serta berteraskan iman dan takwa.
27. Sentiasa berubah secara positif. Sebelum cuba ubah isteri dan keluarga, ubah diri dulu. Apabila suami berubah, keluarga akan turut berubah. Apabila suami cemerlang, isteri akan gemilang.
28. Pamer keprihatian yang tinggi terhadap keluarga. Ramai suami tidak ambil kisah dengan keluarga mereka.Cuba tanya apa lagi khidmat tambahan yang patut berikan kepada keluarga.
29. Pamer kematangan yang tinggi. Orang yang matang tenang, sabar, waras, bijaksana, dapat membuat keputusan dan cekap menyelesaikan masalah.
30. Memuliakan semua perempuan bukan sekadar isterinya. Ramai lelaki cuba hormat wanita tertentu sahaja.Ramai isteri yang kecewa terhadap suami yang menghina atau tidak hormat sebarang wanita termasuk pembantu rumah.
31. Bentuk beberapa sifat wanita yang terpilih dalam diri suami. Nabi Muhammad amat pemalu, pemaaf, peka,endah dan mudah menangis. Sifat wanita yang ada pada lelaki menaikkan martabat lelaki dan lebih disayangi wanita.
32. Mahir dalam menguruskan keluarga. Peka dengan masalah dan karenah ahli keluarga, cekap mencari punca masalah, mencari alternatif penyelesaian dan memilih penyelesaian yang optimum.
33. Membaiki diri secara berterusan. Tingkatkan iman dan takwa, cuci hati dengan sembahyang taubat, istighfar,memaafkan dan minta maaf, berkawan dengan orang yang baik, pendapatan yang berkat dan baiki amalan dan tindakan.
34. Jadi contoh atau model terbaik untuk keluarga. Doa dan usaha supaya setiap perbuatan anda dapat dicontohi dan dibanggakan ahli keluarga. Apakah sifat dan amal anda yang dapat dicontohi oleh ahli keluarga ?
35. Jadikan diri anda pendorong dan motivator berkesan unutk keluarga. Sentiasa beri galakan dan belaian. Elak marah, kritik ataupun hina keluarga. Fikir positif dan bersangka baik terhadap keluarga.
36 Tingkatkan ilmu berkenaan agama. Lazimnya, suami yang mendidik keluarga berkenaan agama. Belajarlahilmu agama dengan niat mendidik diri dan keluarga.
37. Sentiasa menegakkan kebenaran. Tegas menyatakan apa yang buruk dan apa yang baik. Elak mengenepikan kebenaran semata-mata bagi menjaga hati ahli keluarga. Tegakkan kebenaran dengan hikmah.
38. Bertindak tegas dan lemah lembut mengikut situasi. Tegas dalam menyeru ke arah kebaikan. Lemah lembut dalam menegur dan memberi nasihat. Tegas sangat orang memberontak, lembut sangat orang pijak.
39. Latih diri memuji dan menghargai isteri. Ramai suami yang pandai kritik tetapi tidak tahu memuji. Belaian merawat emosi dan fizikal isteri dan membuat dia terasa disayangi. Cari peluang untuk sentiasa memuji.
40. Cari peluang untuk bertindak romantis terhadap isteri. Ini termasuk senyum, lemah lembut, sebut sayang tiga kali sehari, buat sebelum disuruh, sentuhan sayang, pujian dan memberi hadiah.
41. Fahami yang isteri ingin selalu di sisi suami. Suami pula berjauhan dengan isteri sekali sekala. Apabila berjauhan, telefon, SMS ataupun e-mel unutk bertanya khabar, berikan maklumat dan mengubat rindu.
42. Bentuk kerjasama yang mantap dengan isteri. Pamer kesatuan hati dan pendapat kepada anak-anak dan orang lain. Wujudkan kerjasama melalui mesyuarat, berbual, tolak ansur, bermaaf-maafan dan banyak berdoa.
43. Nilai diri daripada kaca mata isteri. Buang sifat dan amalan yang isteri benci. Berusaha keras melakukan perkara yang isteri suka. Apabila isteri bahagia, suami akan bertambah bahagia.
44. Apabila suami melayan isteri seperti mana dia melayan kawan, pasti isteri bahagia. Bayangkan cara anda melayan isteri sebelum kahwin. Ulangi layanan itu sekarang. Pasti hebat kesannya.
45. Suami wajar belajar jadi mengikut setia. Patuhi cadangan, Pandangan dan pandapat isteri yang betul. Jangan bangkang perkara yang baik. Kawal macho dengan saksama.
46. Buat undang-undang dalam rumah tangga. Apabila suami marah, isteri mesti senyap. Apabila isteri marah,suami mesti senyap. Ini mengelakkan daripada bergaduh. Orang tidak boleh bergaduh sendirian.
47. Latih gerak batin anda supaya serasi dengan gerak batin isteri. Serasikan gerak batin dengan berdoa, patuh perintah Tuhan, maafkan isteri, bersangka baik dan lakukan perkara baik untuk isteri mengikut sebarang lintasan dalam hati.
48. Pimpin isteri dengan nasihat dan kasih sayang. Pesan selalu dan nasihat sekali-sekala. Waktu terbaik nasihat adalah semasa rehat, minum petang, waktu bersiar-siar dan semasa hendak tidur.
49. Seimbangkan hidup dengan sempurna. Rajin di tempat kerja, Rajin juga di rumah. Peramah dengan kawan, peramah juga dengan isteri. Disiplin di pejabat, disiplin juga di rumah. Sabar dengan orang, sabar juga dengan isteri. Di luar dan di dalam rumah serupa.
50. Urus stress dengan sempurna supaya keluarga tidak terjejas, lakukan riaadah, berdiet, hentikan merokok,bercampur dengan orang positif, bermain dengan bayi, tengok ikan di akuarium, menyanyi, sembahyang taubat dan maafkan semua orang.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Please dont panic!

Just realised i got another 102 days to go until my nikah day and i have NOT finalized anything yet. From the wedding gown to the wedding dais =s breathe in breathe out~ fuh fuh fuh!

i was so hooked up with the room renovations and activity men-survey for its accessories and our wedding invitations =s Plus, for the past two weeks, we had family weddings including this week and the following week and even on xmas day and 1st January next year.

I must stay focus on the wedding preps and spare some of my own time to prepare eveything. Tawakkal and usaha. InsyaAllah dipermudahankan  Allah. aminnn..

Now back to the wedding preps. 

I've had appointments for my wedding dias and wedding gowns. InsyaAllah will spare some one or two hours for our second appointment this week to re-confirm everything =)

Last week one of the selected vendor came for the room measurement for the flooring and wallpaper. And hopefully by next week (cos this week will be another hectic family wedding activities), i'll get a different vendor to come over to measure the wall for our customized wardrobes and other furnitures.

This week "Must Do List":

1. Send materials for my Nikah dress.
 - Tailor - selected!
 - Design - confirmed! 
 - Veil - need to check the cheapest veil in town, otherwise sewa saja (price ranges from $30-$60)
 - Nikah accessories - tbc

2. Wedding gown.
 - Colour and design have been proposed, waiting to get feedback from the shop.
 - Get measurement for both bride & groom to be.

3. Bed selection - i've been trying to make a decision since the past 2 weeks. And surprise! surprise! one of the selected shop called last week and gave me a good promotion (from 1.3 k to 1k and now up for grab for only $888!) but the fiance don't really fancy the design as much as i do. 

Nya, 'simple banar eh'. T_T So might decided the other bed (our first choice awal2 hari atu) Hopefully, i can get them to order the bed this week and sampai prolly by end of december or mid january next year, insyaAllah.

3. Down payment and to confirm the wedding theme for all the 3 events - Nikah, berbedak and sanding for both bride and groom side. 

4. To decide my MUA for Nikah & berbedak. Alhamdulillah, MUA for sanding confirmed udah =)

5. Call and make appointment with a vendor to measure my wall for the customized wardrobes & furnitures.

Utk menghilangkan rasa 'panic' saya and biskita, i'll list down what has been done so far. hehe

1. Caterer - Alhamdulillah. Booking done last september for all 3 events. 

2. Pengangun - booked! pengangun yg sama masa my brother and my other 2 cousins =)

3. Wedding invitation - Draft completed. Proof-read by the parents. Kan choose the best price saja lagi. We went to the popular vendor, and honestly i was shocked! Dulu price nya nda jua cani ani =s so we opt to survey the price in miri, kl and indonesia. 

3. Room renovation - 40% completed? The contractor need to rise the flooring saja lagi to balance it, supaya sama level with the room yg kana extend and paint the walls. 

Once this part is completed, i can get my vendor to start installing the laminated floor and tampal the wallpaper for my feature wall, get my bed, mattress, carpets and tv. 

4. Hantaran

We came to an agreement that we will have atleast 10 hantaran and max. 15 only.

Bride - 5/10 (atleast half of the list dpt udah. hehe)
Groom - 2/11 (ini fiance memilih wooo =p)

5 needs to be done and only 4 half half done, so far. Kira okey lah tu.. ehehehe *ketawa nerbes*

*tarekk napas panjangg.....*
- Live. Love.Laugh xx

Monday, November 22, 2010

One quick post!

Im in love with her pelamin & baju! Simple yet elegant.

& i like this too!

Credits to Arma Couture, she got great collections for engagement, nikah and sanding.

You can refer to my regional wedding boutique link on the right bar =)

one of my fav - made locally. kudos to him!!

- Live. Love.Laugh xx

Room progress continues

Hello lovelies~

I've mentioned about wallpaper in my previous post, where the fiance & i managed to get the best price in town after weeks of surveying and benchmarking. We came across around 4-5 shops and the price varies from 100+ to 250 per roll (excluding the installation cost). I remembered one shop that quote me above 300 per roll, in an instant i lost interest to con't further discussions. i even tried to changed the subject - curtains etc,  but i failed. hehe.

Here's some of the few pics that i managed to get, from several interior deco shop. the simple wallpaper cost around 100+ to 250 per roll, and the texture type cost around $3 - 4.50 per sq.feet.

a mixture of gold and silver - not bad.

a retro style

the texture wallpaper.

i got the zen style wallpaper and some several others, but i couldnt find where i kept it.
will update more in the next post =)

- Live. Love.Laugh xx 

Saturday, November 20, 2010

The room progress..

Im dying to write a post since last week but have'nt got the time to sit down, relax and post at proper entry. Im actually rushing for this entry as well, ada appointment in the next 1/2 hr. So, here it goes....

The room is still in progress, and the plastering work finally completed. I've make a re-appointment with the flooring vendor to measure my room today. Yikes! They supposed to come last wednesday or thurs, but it got delayed, pasal cuti raya qurban, so i gave them cuti. hehe.

Here's the latest picture of the room. It used to be the garage and was converted to my room, hence the ceiling is low. Im sooooo looking forward to complete the room, so i can start buying the bed, wardrobe etc2.hehe

See that red+blue pole, andang sengaja ku biarkan so that i can do a dance pole nanti. lol! i kid! 

The pole cant be remove since its the original tiang rumah. Removing it means, the house wont be stable. im not sure what u call it, tiang utama kah or kepala tiang rumah? i leave that to the expert to answer. 

The fiance and i had also survey for the wallpapers for our room. It took us 3 weeks to find the best price and for the wallpapers. We also have decided on the colour scheme to match the wallpaper. YAYYYY! double celebration to that! hehe.

Will con't the post on the flooring and wallpaper in the next entry =)

- Live. Love.Laugh xx

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Khasiat Taugeh

Got this email from a friend of mine. Worth to share for all the ladies out there.

Im not a big fan of taugeh. Actually, i'm not a big fan of anything that comes in green, hehe. Might start to change the daily menu slowly =)

Menu TAUGE untuk hidangan makan tengah hari mahupun makan malam sering kali dipandang sebelah mata oleh kebanyakan kita.
Tauge dilihat sebagai hidangan yang langsung tidak menyelerakan.

Tapi tahukah anda, tauge yang kerap kali menjadi pilihan terakhir untuk dijadikan sayur ini sebenarnya mempunyai banyak khasiat.
Tauge dikatakan mampu menyumbang kepada kesuburanlelaki dan wanita. Pengambilan tauge oleh kaum lelaki mampu membuatkan sperma yang dihasilkan oleh golongan ini makin baik. Begitu juga wanita, ia cukupberkesan membantu kesuburan telur yang dihasilkan.
Bagaimanapun, khasiat tauge tidak sekadar penyumbang kesuburan, ia juga terbukti melalui kajian mengandungi bahan yang dapat melumpuhkan bibit kanser, usus besar, pankreas dan juga penyakit leukimia.
Mengikut kajian yang dijalankan tauge sama ada dari jenis kacang hijau, alfalfa dan sebagainya mengandungi banyak unsur fitokimia ya berkhasiat. Salah satunya ialah kanavanin (canavanine), sejenis asid yang amino. Kanavanin, dikatakan mampu melumpuhkan bibit kanser leukimia, usus besar dan pankreas. 
Selain itu, tauge juga mempunyai estrogen semulajadi berfungsi sama dengan estrogen sintesis. Estrogen dalam tauge dapat meningkatkan kepadatan dan susunan tulang, serta mencegah kerapuhan tulang (osteoporosis)
Pengambilan tauge oleh wanita secara kerap dapat membantu mereka menghindar mereka dari kanser payudara, gangguan menjelang menstruasi,simptom pra-menopaus, dan gangguan akibat menopaus.
Sewaktu kacang-kacang dicambahkan untuk dijadikan tauge secara umum kadar saponinya meningkat sehingga 450 peratus.
Mereka yang berisiko penyakit strok dan serangan jantung, gara-gara kadar lemak darah yang tinggi dianjurkan lebih banyak mengambil tauge dalam menu harian mereka.
 Saponi dalam tauge, menghalau "lemak jahat LDL, tanpa mengganggu kandungan lemak baik HDL. 
Selain sarat DNA, tauge padat dengan antioksida kuat yang menghalang tubuh dari radikal bebas perosak sel DNA. Pelindungan ini menguatkan kesimpulan taugemerupakan sayuran yang membuat anda menjadilebih muda.
Satu lagi khasiat tauge yang tidak kurang hebat adalahmembantu membuang kotoran dalam usus besarkerana mengandungi banyak serat dan air. Inilah yang menjadi tunjang utama tauge dalam memerangi sel kanser.
Apabila kotoran segera meniggalkan usus besar, tiada lagi zat-zat racun dalam kotoran yang yang dapat diserap tubuh. Ia akan mencegah pengumpulan bahan beracun yang dapat merangsang berseminya benih kanser.
- Live. Love.Laugh xx

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The room

The room contractor had just finished demolishing the old walls and almost complete plastering the other 3 walls. By now i can declare that my room is barely 20% complete *clap2*

Last Sunday, the fiance & i went to surveyed for tiles, laminated floors, carpets, curtains and wall decorations for our room. I had my room theme colour in mind, so it makes it easier to filter the colour scheme for the wall and floor. Since my room will only have one window, so we planned to get light-coloured furnitures - which includes light colour flooring, walls etc. We might choose a little darker feature wall though, so we surveyed dark coloured wall decorations and wallpaper just to give a contrast colour in our room, insyaAllah. 

So far, we went to the Fabrica, Yani's, AmHome, SGL and and the tile shops in tutong and sg.duhon (which i forgot the name). A friend of mine who is now busy with the construction of her new home in belait suggested us to go to one of the warehouse in Jangsak. They did her home at salambigar and offered cheaper tiles at wholesale price (attractive much!) and another colleague suggested to go to the tile textile shop nearby bangunan sumbangsih. We have yet to check it out since we only had weekend to do it.

Oh i did checked few carpets for the room, but it always ended with an endless sneeze. hehe. so probably, its no longer an option kot. And price wise for tiles and laminated floors, i was amazed that laminated floors are cheaper nowadays compared to few years back. So, my first and foremost priority will be the laminated flooring. Its worth the money, atleast for me =)

Below are the snapshots of the flooring that we were allowed to take. Other shops, reluctant dikit to let us take pictures =/

we love the designer's choice, 'picasso' - the one with the rare colour. otherwise we might go for the classic 'beach color' for a light furnish. Will see how it goes, once my room is ready. Cant wait!! =D

- Live. Love.Laugh xx

Sunday, November 7, 2010

8 Step To Get Ready Your Room For Your Wedding

Thought i shared this for all the bridezilla-to-be =)

By Eric Leong 

Step 1Determine An Interior Design Style
First things first, before you start buying any furniture or paint for your room, you should determine what kind of interior style you want for your bridal room.

There are many interior styles available such as a, Luxury Touch - English Style, A Simplicity Approach - Zen Style, An Exotic Living - Balinese Style etc.

The important factor is to choose an interior style to fit the size of the room, as not every interior style is suitable for every room. A small room should adapt Zen style rather than English style, as the English style needs a lot of big and bulky furniture whereas Zen Style only requires straight and simple line furnitures.

Step 2Select A Colour Scheme For Your Entire Room
Selecting a colour scheme for a bedroom is different from choosing colour schemes for other rooms such as living rooms.

Colour scheme for bedroom must not be too strong such as vibrant colour scheme as this area is your rest zone and usually soothing colour schemes as earth tone is suitable for this area. This colour scheme will not only cover you wall area but also the soft furnishing such curtains, bedsheets, comforter etc.

Step 3Select The Feature Wall
Feature wall concept is to increase the visual depth for a particular room. As we know that most of the room size are not to big thus we need to create “visual depth” to make the room look big. Feature concept is all about choosing a wall to be the focal wall or feature wall and make the rest of the walls as the non-feature wall.

Usually we will choose the first wall we see as we enter a room as the feature wall and paint the particular wall into a darker tone (usually this colour will be the dominant colour of the room and it will determine the rest of the colour scheme) and paint the rest of the 3 walls into off-white or cream.

Please take note that to choose the feature wall for bedroom is different from the other room, the feature wall need to be at the bed headboard rather than the first wall you see when u enter the room.

Step 4Select A Suitable Furniture
Selecting a suitable furniture for the interior style is not an easy task. Don’t just walk into the furniture showroom and buy any of the bedroom sets (usually a full bedroom set comes with a bed, bed side table, dressing table and wardrobe), consider your room size, your interior style and the most important is do you need bigger storage area?

Usually I suggest not to buy the full bedroom set even though most of the furniture retail shop offer good price for the bedroom set, as some of the furniture may not suit your room’s size and the other important factor is that you may need bigger storage area. Thus I usually suggest to custom build your wardrobe as the custom built wardrobe usually provide bigger storage area and what’s more you can custom-make your internal storage compartments for individual needs.

Please don’t ignore the bed side table, most of the rooms I have visited are without bed side table and many of them told me that they do not have enough space for them. Bed side table is a very important element for the bedroom. It can be used to store small items, first-aid kit for the room, etc. And for those who have to read before you go to bed, u need the bed side table for your book and the bed side table light.

Step 5Select The Light
As I always mention, please use warm light for your interior to create ambience especially in the bedroom as it is the intimate place for the couple.

The lighting design for the bedroom is different from the other area of the house too; usually I suggest the up-lighting type of design as with this type of design, the light source will shoot up to the ceiling rather than shine above your eyes.

The voltage for the light in the bedroom should not be too high as you don’t need it to be too bright in the bedroom, remember that this is the place for you to rest. Suggested light bulb voltage is minimum 25Watt, maximum 40Watt and strongly recommended frosted bulb instead of clear bulb.

Step 6Select The Soft Furnishing
Soft-furnishing refers to curtain, bed sheet, comforter, rug, throw cushion, etc. Soft-furnishing is the soft-touch for the bedroom. It plays a very important role, we usually use the soft-furnishing to connect or to link the furniture with the walls.

The colour for the soft-furnishing always refers to the feature wall’s colour, use feature wall’s colour as main colour to co-ordinate soft-furnishing’s colour scheme.

As mentioned, bedroom is the place to relax, thus don’t use too strong colour for soft-furnishing especially the bed sheet and comforter as it will cause discomfort to our eyes. Same goes to the prints or the designs on the material we use for the soft-furnishing, geometric designs will make our eyes discomfort too, especially in the morning.

Step 7Selecting The Suitable Accessories
Please take note that in interior design, we always want to create an impact-the visual impact. The most economical way to create impact is to use decorative accessories.

When buying the home décor accessories, don’t buy too many small or tidy size items, buy big and over-sized items instead. Use these big or over-sized items to create the visual impact.

Finding the right place to place the decorative items is important too. Try to walk around the entire room before placing any of them, check which angle or direction will give a maximum impact. Please take note that the décor accessory need to be matched to the interior style (
refer to Step 1).

Step 8Final Touch
The final touch will be the candles and the fresh flowers. Candles are the most economical warm light source. As I always mention, it is good to use warm as the main light source for an interior but this would not apply to every house especially those that already have day light installed, thus the candle is the easiest warm light source to create ambience. Don’t forget to switch off the day light when u light up the candles!

I always use flowers, especially fresh flowers to enhance the interior too. Fresh flowers can add energy to the room and also to make the particular interior lively. Please take note that not every type of flower is suitable for any kind of interior style. For example, big bloomed roses are suitable for English style, small flowers and leaves suitable for Country style, etc.

And if you are creative enough, you can always use the fresh flowers and the candles to create a nice flower arrangement for the table top.

Happy Decorating!!